Attract Customers by Making Your Web Copy More Inviting

Maybe you’ve been here before. You slave for weeks polishing your website, you go live, and yet you’re still not getting the traffic, leads, and revenue you’d hoped for. So, why is it your website gets little action while your competitors’ sites are getting a lot?
It could be your copy.
With just a few modifications, your web copy can engage readers, make them feel valued, and provide the answers they need before they’ll make a purchase. Here are four ways your web copy can sweep potential customers off their feet.
1. It’s Not About You
It’s human nature, but we’re all a little self-centered. So when a business uses its website to talk about itself, we tune out almost immediately. Why? Because it feels more like a sales pitch than an answer to our prayers. So talk about your customers instead. Mention how you’re going to solve their problems and make their lives, or jobs, better.
2. Don’t Cave In on Your About Page
Your About page should be about your customer as well. Think twice before you ramble on about your history, mission, and founders. That’s like going on a date where you do all the talking. Sure, you can deliver details about your company. Just make sure the information you provide is relevant to your customers wants and needs.
3. Show Your Cards Early
With all good relationships, it’s best to be an open book from the get-go. Customer relationships are no exception. Be completely transparent on your website. Tell customers what it will be like to do business with you. Show them that all your energy won’t be spent on acquiring you as a new customer, but on keeping as a happy customer for the long term.
4. Simplify Everything
Know that old expression, “Keep it simple, stupid?” It applies here. Once customers show interest in you, make it as easy as possible for them “learn more” or “buy now.” Tell them exactly what to do next when they want to proceed.
Use simple, straightforward language. If you make the information on your website complicated, you’ll lose customers fast.
Write your web copy the right way, and potential customers will understand just how valuable your product or service is, and how their lives will be better because of it. Just focus on those four things. Success will soon follow.
Based on Four Ways to Woo New Customers With Sweet-Talking Web Copy by Lisa Pierson.