Talking Points
July 2024

Archived Journals

Take a look at our past issues.

New Developments

  • Brand Statistics You Need to Know
    Next up, we dive into the value of a brand as it extends across the digital landscape, and how businesses are getting the most value from their brand.
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  • Video Marketing in 2023
    Next up, we explore the state of video marketing in 2023. You’ll read all about the risks, the rewards, and how your organization can overcome the former and benefit greatly the latter.
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  • Don’t Overlook the Value of Creative
    The New Developments feature explains why creative work is an often overlooked, yet vitally important, element of your marketing strategy. It details how you can use creative work to drive better outcomes
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  • Digital Marketing Tactics for 2022
    In our New Developments story, we look at the 9 most effective digital marketing tactics for 2022. We cover tips on social media marketing, website updates, tailored content, and a host of other digital marketing best practices.
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  • It’s Time to Master Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
    Next up, we offer some helpful suggestions on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in our New Developments article. We pass along five tips to get your business started on doing the right thing in a responsible way.
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  • Boost Engagement Through Personalized Experiences
    Our New Developments feature covers the importance of zero- and first-party data to build reader relationships, offer compelling experiences, and monetize connections. It’s valuable information in the face of fierce competition for audiences, not to mention ongoing privacy issues.
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  • Social Media Trends: 2022 Edition
    Our New Developments feature dives further into this year’s new trends by exploring what’s ahead for social media. You’ll learn about what social channels are doing to improve viewer and customer experiences.
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  • Advice on how to connect with 4 generations of customers
    Our New Development highlights the results of new market research into the four generations of customers: Gen Z, Millennial, Gen X, and Baby Boomer. Some conclusions you might expect (Boomers like TV commercials); others, you might not expect (email is effective for all generations). Read, learn—and market accordingly.
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  • Virtual Events Are Up 1000%—It’s Time to Fight Digital Fatigue
    During the past year, we’ve all been bombarded by virtual events and meetings. So, our New Developments article examines online fatigue and suggests a number of things your company can do to address it.
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  • Branded Content Done Right
    Our New Developments feature showcases several brands that have used content marketing with great success. They’ve employed a mix of marketing tactics to create content that’s both relevant and engaging.
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Parting Shot

  • Tips for a Better Community Service Program
    We round out the issue with 10 practical tips to help you get the most out of your business’s community services programs.
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  • The Best Commercials from Super Bowl LVII
    Lastly, we feature one of our yearly favorites—the best Super Bowl commercials. We’ll review the spots that were the cleverest, funniest, and most entertaining ads during this year’s big game.
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  • 10 Things You Might Not Know About Black Friday
    As always, we close with our Parting Shot. This month, we spotlight Black Friday by revealing curious truths and sharing several historical details you may not have known about this colorful and storied tradition.
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  • Stranger Things Are Happening on Netflix
    Finally, our Parting Shot takes a peek at how Netflix is employing a new, under-the-radar way to include product advertising in its show content after years of resisting any kind of marketing in or around its streaming series
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  • Celebrate Virtual Earth Day
    Then, in our Parting Shot learn how Earth Day is going virtual in the age of COVID. You’ll get some ideas on how you can safely celebrate your environmental interests with friends and family in your own way.
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  • Best to Worst of Super Bowl LVI
    This month’s Parting Shots wraps up the best—and worst—commercials from Super Bowl LVI. Advertisers spend millions of dollars on them each year; sometime scoring big, but other times fumbling.
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  • The Greatest Super Bowl Commercials of All Time
    Our Parting Shots as always, will leave you with a lasting smile. We wrap up with our favorite Super Bowl commercials from the decades of past classics, including one special tribute you won’t want to miss.
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  • “Rebuild the World” with Legos for the Holiday Season
    This month’s Parting Shot could get you in the mood for holiday gift giving to a younger person on your list. It’s a Lego commercial that takes you through a few of the different worlds that Legos help kids enter, while obliterating the boundaries between them. Star Wars stormtroopers attacked by bumblebees? Why not?
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  • Pandemic Zoom Bloopers
    Finally, our Parting Shot shows you just why it’s so important to remain self-aware while on camera at home. One careless slip-up could transform you into an overnight, viral internet star on YouTube.
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  • Humanity Is Unstoppable
    This month’s Parting Shot wraps up Talking Points with another compelling use of branded content. Every so often, a brand ad comes along that stops us in our tracks. Nike is famous for such ads, and their latest is no exception.
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