Talking Points
September 2024

Learn Branding From Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift knows how to position herself, and her angry new attitude is the latest example. Swift’s brand rose and fell during her early career. Then she evolved. She deleted her social media, proclaimed the “old Taylor” dead, guarded her love life, and began producing edgier music.

  • We can learn from her journey
    Reinvention can be tricky. Most brands are afraid to change, fearing they may alienate consumers. Swift was confident her fans would remain loyal. Yours could be, too. Just remember the following.
  • Keep your brand moving
    Industries and audiences change. To stay relevant, brands evolve. So, don’t fight changes, plan for them. Follow trends, and constantly assess what you are doing to grow with your customers.
  • Focus on the bigger picture
    Public attention spans are short. So, remain focused on your long-term strategy, even if it makes short-term decisions seem risky. Sometimes “off-brand” ideas work when driven by future objectives.
  • Embrace mystery
    Ultimately, your brand’s evolution will come down to good storytelling. And the best stories have an element of surprise. Invite customers to participate with interactive campaigns, and let them connect the dots. It will make their relationship with you feel more exclusive.

Based on Three Takeaways for Marketers From the Repositioning of Brand Taylor Swift by Katie L. Fetting.

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